All Articles on Ecology & Social Justice PHILIPPINES: Reducing Plastic Waste Isn’t in the Bag — Yet Endangered Beauties: Challenges in Conserving Malaysia’s Wild Orchids From Baku to Borneo: Multilateralism and Dissonance in Global Climate Action INDONESIA: In Board Games, Serious Talk Emerges About the Climate The Philippines is Hosting the FRLD Board: Here are a Few Facts You Need to Know Whose Trees? Whose Neutrality? Forest-based Offsets May Endanger Community Rights and Justice in Thailand Living with Typhoons: Lessons from the Ivatans of Batanes, Philippines Bombs of Rain, Anger at a Time of Extreme Weather Disasters – Ahead of Another UN Climate Summit Greener on the other side?: Perspectives on green colonialism Redesigning a Plastic-Free Future for Vietnam PHILIPPINES: Listening to the Deaf in the Climate Crisis From Sachets to Marine Litter: Why Do Plastics End Up in the Ocean? Behind the Wrath of Typhoon Yagi Press Release: Indigenous Women and Youth Call for Urgent Actions for Just Energy Transition The Inaugural Independence Day Ceremony in Nusantara: A Milestone or a Setback? Tempe: A Story of Sustainability and Women Empowerment in Indonesia Participatory Climate Governance: Insights From Indonesia’s Peatlands Connecting Voices: Southeast Asia’s Role in Shaping the Indo-Pacific Promoting Development through Shared Governance Strategies in Lao PDR The Call for Justice: From Bang Kloi’s Fallow Fields to Ka Boer Din’s Rice Paddies Loss and Damage: Perspectives from inside and outside the UNFCCC At its second meeting, the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund will set the course for what kind of funding mechanism it wants to be Solidarity Statement - 2024 Asia Women and Rivers Congress RIPPLE EFFECT: Unveiling ADB's Ecological & Human Rights Violations through Watercolor Narrative Harmony on the Plate: Unraveling the Nexus of Health, Nutrition, and Ecology in Food and Farming Vietnam: The Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) has high political costs ความขัดแย้งอันโหดร้ายของการทำให้อาหารและอาคารเย็นลงบนโลกที่กำลังเดือด The Cruel Irony of Cooling Our Food and Buildings on a Boiling Planet Critical Minerals: The Need for Market Standards Human-Elephant Conflict in Thailand A Decade After Typhoon Haiyan: a Missed Opportunity for Just Transition in Disaster-Stricken Philippines Developing Regenerative Aquaculture in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia’s Peatlands, Seen Through the Haze Southeast Asia: ‘Haze is not high among the list of concerns because of its seasonal nature’ Artful Transformations: Southeast Asian Artists Embrace Trash as a Medium for Change The Importance of Bat Pollinators: Case Study in Southern Thailand World Failing on Sustainable Development Goals Mobilizing the Future: Timor-Leste’s Permaculture Youth Camps From Rhetoric to Reality: Unraveling the Just Energy Transition ‘Partnerships’ in ASEAN Countries Ethnic Karenni Protect Their Forests Based on Customary Beliefs Ethnic Women Face Challenges in Conserving Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge in Vietnam Root-Knot Nematode Poses Risks to Rice Productivity and Farmers’ Health in Cambodia The Mekong Region: ‘China’s Dams Can Be Operated In A More Sensible Manner’ Tensions between National Development and Local Needs in Cambodia: Lower Sesan II Dam Turmeric Supports Rural Livelihoods in Myanmar Titling Land, Fragmenting Livelihoods: Indigenous Communal Land Titling in Cambodia JETP Vietnam: 15 billion US dollars for a new energy system Forget Kendeng Not Water Scarcity: The Cave’s Freshwater for Life “The TC Needs a Bit of Luck and a Lot of Political Will to Deliver a Loss and Damage Fund That Can Soar” Beyond the Scorching Heat: Earth Overload, Human Suffering and a Reboot Revisiting Environmental Security in the Mekong Region A Call for Energy Justice in Southeast Asia Charting a Path Forward in ASEAN’s Climate Change Agenda The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Historical Deal for Biodiversity Mekong River Hydropower Development, Compensation and the Resettlement Legal Framework in Lao PDR: The Case of Luang Prabang Dam Urban Groundwater as Commons PODCAST - Clearing the Air: Asia’s fight against air pollution COP27 and Southeast Asia: Loss and Damage, Fossil Fuels, and Just Transition Open Call: Grants for Writing Workshop by Mekong Commons [Extended Deadline] News Tool: Reporting on a Stressed Planet: 16 Concepts Make Climate Change and DRR Policy in Thailand Relevant in the Age of the Anthropocene Sendong at 10 Years: Looking Back at the Disaster That Changed Cagayan De Oro Saving Lives Through Education for Disaster Preparedness and Awareness: Lessons from Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand Mekong Community Resilience in the Face of Dam Development, Environmental Degradation and Climate Change Restoring Bee Populations with Community and Natural Farming Conservation in the Age of Anthropocene: Past, Present, and Future Vietnam: 'Why Don’t You Get an Electric Vehicle?’ Indigenous Communal Land Titling: Still a Hundred Years to Go? Climate pragmatism or Faustian bargain? What the new US climate law does—and where it fails A Look at Energy Transition Situation in Cambodia Myanmar: ‘My Biggest Worry Is That We Are Never Able to Re-emerge’ Traffic Congestions in Malaysia and the Lessons We Must Learn Growing Coffee for Sustainable Agriculture: Pangkhon Village in Chiang Rai Watch! Nược Đua’, an Animation about the Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin Situating SDGs in the Paradigm Shift of Sustainability in Southeast Asia The Giant Stingray: A Reminder of the Mekong’s Bounty — and the Risks It Faces Youth Climate Movement in the Global South: Reaching the Critical Mass We Need Plugging Singapore into the ASEAN Power Grid Troubling Waters of Waste around Phu Quoc Island of Vietnam Raising Public Awareness in the Kendeng Movement via Speleology Environmental Litigation Trends in Southeast Asia G20 Under Siege Right to Clean Air: The People v. Haze across Southeast Asia Dear Future Children: Screaming Out Today for Tomorrow’s Generations Tujuh Pesan Solidaritas dari Jerman untuk Komunitas Kendeng Seven Solidarity Messages from Germany to the Kendeng Community Further and Further Away"- Environment and Identity in Cambodia Disaster Management in Indonesia: Complex Challenges of a Dual Early Warning System The Plastic Crisis Must Be on the Feminist Agenda “It’s Not Just the Carbon Footprint – We Also Have to See the Feet” Marine Plastic Pollution and Climate Change: Regional and National Action in Southeast Asia Living in Flux at Ban Ta Mui: Perspectives from a Mekong Border Village COVID-19 in Singapore: Technology and Systematic Orderly Approaches ‘New Normal’ in the Mekong Delta Can the G20 Become a Catalyst of Inclusive Economic Recovery? Forget Jakarta: Nusantara from an Ecofeminist Perspective Singapore: Fuelling Demand for Cleaner Energy The G20 Presidency of Indonesia: With Great Trust Comes Great Responsibility The Benefits of Sustainable Honey Production in Southeast Asia Climate Change and Disasters in the Philippines What to Expect from ASEAN: 2022 Onwards Building Resilience across Southeast Asia Carbon Capture and Storage: A View from Asia Quick & Easy Choices to Avoid Plastic “In Thailand’s Future, I Want to See a Circular Economy Come True.” “It’s Not All Pretty”: Campus’ Zero Waste in Thailand Faces Rough Path Making Wiser Choices in Beekeeping Practices Hope and Absurdity at COP26 Glasgow New Energy Ecosystem Can Aggravate Existing Inequalities If Gender Gap Is Not Addressed Free, fair and alive Short and Long-Term Solutions to Bangkok’s Ever-Growing Vulnerability to Floods and Other Climate Risks Thailand’s Plastic Waste Conundrum Waste Overload: Another Enemy in the Fight against COVID-19 Code Red for Southeast Asia: ASEAN’s Climate and Energy Challenge COVID-19 in Malaysia: A Plastic Pandemic Decarbonization, the Southeast Asian Way Mekong River Flux and Flows: Capturing the Vulnerability of the Mekong Ecosystems in Thai Communities Food as a Commons: Making or Breaking the Future of Food Citizenship Pandemic Gives Wildlife Campaigners a Push in Vietnam Gender and Climate Change: Snapshots from Southeast Asia “It’s a clear signal that the Asian Development Bank is finally, finally moving away from coal.” As Bangkok Drowns in Infections and Plastic, Volunteers Divert COVID-19 Era Trash Duterte Says Yes to Mining in the Philippines. But at What Cost? Tourism Struggles to See Its Future in Southeast Asia When All Else Fails, the People Mobilize: The Sea Warriors of Johor, Malaysia, Act to Survive COVID-19 and Climate Change Impacts Threats to the Existence of Riparian Communities of the Mekong Bees and Pesticides in Southeast Asia The Wong Sikep or Sedulur Sikep Movement of Central Java’s Longue Durée in Its Paradoxical Nature Cohabitation, Cooperation and Competition in the Mekong River Basin Southeast Asia’s Road to Recovery: The Energy Context อนาคตของพลังงานนิวเคลียร์ในประเทศไทย? Should Nuclear Power Have a Future in Thailand? Gunarti: Letter from the Kendeng Mountains The Dilemma of Waste during COVID-19 Pandemic Restoring Our Ecosystem: A Call to Malaysia and the World A World without Plastic Pollution Is Possible - A Book for Teens Informs and Guides on Plastic Special Economic Zones and Land Dispossession in the Mekong Region ADB Announces Coal Exit in Draft Energy Policy Veganism in Bangkok: A Successor to Buddhist Vegetarianism, Fueled by Trendiness Newly launched Plastic Atlas Asia edition provides an Asia-focused overview of the plastic waste crisis Divided we fail - Vaccine diplomacy and its implications Save Kendeng: A Struggle through Graphic Design Biden and ASEAN: What Can We Expect? Climate Justice Priorities in Southeast Asia Key Challenges in Achieving Inclusive Open Data Governance in Indonesia Why We Should Protect Karst Landscapes Plant-Based Food Finds Its Way into Post-pandemic Menu The Myth of Good Plastic Putting Nature in the Center of Education: An Indigenous Perspective RCEP: A Trade Pact amidst a Fracturing Factory Asia The Malaysian Local Conference of Youth 2020 #MYLCOY2020 A Talk with the Organising Team of the Malaysian Local Conference of Youth 2020 #MYLCOY2020 Vulnerability of Women and Forests in the RCEP Commitment 5 years later - Happy Birthday, Paris Agreement? Sin Hengsamai, An Apis florea Honey Harvester and Organic Farmer Beyond Water Data Sharing, Mekong-Lancang River Needs Accountable Water Governance Nuclear Power Trend in Southeast Asia and Its Contested Discourses on Climate Change The Virtual “Malaysian Local Conference of Youth 2020 (MY LCOY 2020): Mobilising for a Green Post COVID-19 Recovery” Is Open for Registration! From Aspiration to Application, There is a Long Way to Go: On Gender and International Financial Institutions’ Safeguards Policies Indonesia Misses Once-in-A Lifetime Opportunity to Build Back Better by Passing Controversial Deregulation Law Save Kendeng Mountains: A Persistent Environmental and Ecological Justice Movement in Indonesia COVID-19 and the Climate Crisis in Southeast Asia Indonesian Communities File an OECD Complaint against HeidelbergCement with German Government Southeast Asia: Going Greener, Post-COVID-19? Reading the Indonesian Omnibus Bill on Job Creation A Passion for Pollinators in Thailand Asia Teetering at the Edge - Part II: The Banks, BRI and Recovery Loans Asia Teetering at the Edge - Part I: Government Debt Amid COVID-19 Environmental Impact Assessment in Southeast Asia Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Frontline Communities Resisting Internationally Financed Development Projects Energy Transition in Southeast Asia and Vietnam's Role as ASEAN Chair 2020 Pollinator-Friendly Yards: How You Can Help Protect Pollinators Our Alliance Next Door: We Need to Save Bees or Perish with Them Enabling an Equal World for Indigenous Women in the Time of Climate Crisis Why Go Nuclear, Philippines? Broader Legal Horizon for Kendeng Communities’ Campaigns for Environmental Rights Native Honey Bees of Southeast Asia and Conservation Challenges Philippines: Banning Single-Use Plastics at the National Level and Strengthening Existing Laws Needed to Curb Plastic Pollution Crisis Sustainable Electricity Scenarios in Southern Thailand and the Lower Mekong Countries Redefining Development and the Hidden Cost of Land Reclamation in Penang “You want people to become environmentalists? Make it practical and logical. Make it a trend.” Plastic Atlas Demonstrates Scale of Plastic Pollution Crisis and Solutions for a Zero Waste Future Plastic Wastes Pose Threats on Vietnam’s Environment Plastics, Fossil Fuels and Desire: A Dive into the Complexities of a Plastic-Free World Laos Needs Another Revolution but This Time with Single-Use Plastic Plastic Fantastic – Solving the Problem We Created for Ourselves Indonesia’s Battle Against Plastic Pollution From Kendeng with Love: Seven Messages from Pati An Interview with Malaysian Youth Delegation Impacts of Tourism Expansion on Social and Environmental Degradation in Yogyakarta Climate Change Art: Artists Speak Up for Climate in Vietnam Sliding down the Slippery Slopes of Unsustainability: Rampant Hill Development in Penang Wanted: More Outliers in the Climate Crisis Vietnam’s Most Vulnerable Region Copes with Climate Change Pollinators in Peril, Our Food System in Crisis, and the Potential for Restoration Tackling Deforestation in the Palm Oil Industry: Quo Vadis Private and Public Sectors Commitments? Vulnerable Country Approaches to Urgent Climate Policy Development Climate Change Mitigation in Singapore: Lessons From an Urbanized Island Nation Winds of Change in Malaysia: The Government and the Climate Threatened Biodiversity and Empty Wombs: Climate Change and Women’s Plight in Central Java Climate Change, a Missing Discussion in Indonesia’s Presidential Election Looking for Space in the Lao Dam Debate Laos: Dammed Information? Fighting for the Next Generations Unpacking COP24 and its implications for Southeast Asia Kendeng Movement: Speak Up for Mother Earth! Coal Assets Stranded in Southeast Asia Institutional and Governance Aspect of the Energy Transition: Case of Thailand Building Climate Resilience in Southeast Asian Secondary Cities Exposing the “Clean Energy” Myths of ADB and AIIB Reducing Ecological Damages While Preserving Livelihoods: Helping Oil Palm Farmers to Protect Their Environment ASEAN Smoke Haze and Hidden Solutions IPCC Special Report on 1.5: Limiting global warming without temperature "overshoot" Overcoming the Challenges of Sustainable Coastal Development in Southeast Asia On Land Grabbing and Cross-border Investment: Case of Cambodian Migrant Workers in Thailand from a Gender-lens The Coal Situation in Thailand and Strategic Environmental Assessment Southeast Asia: Hotspot for Renewables or Dumping Ground for Coal? Gunarti and The Kendeng Women Movement Natural resource struggles: Shrinking spaces for civil society The Indonesian National Slum Upgrading Project: Facts and Fiction (Part II) Climate of Change: The Struggle for Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia The Indonesian National Slum Upgrading Project: Facts and Fiction (Part I) COP23 Bonn: The Climate Commitments and ASEAN Carbon-Free Energy Development Network in Southeast Asia Southeast Asia in the G20: a missed opportunity to push a difficult agenda? Renewable Energy in ASEAN Shrinking Spaces and the G20 ASEAN among Great Powers New Strategies of Sustainable Food Production in ASEAN – Perspectives from Thailand, Myanmar, and Singapore Karen communities in Myanmar file complaint with Thai Human Rights Commission: Stop harmful coal mine Statement of CSOs in Vietnam on the AIIB Energy Strategy Toward a Global Treaty on Plastic Waste Menuju Perjanjian Global mengenai Sampah Plastik G20, Indonesia and the Quest for Parameters of Sustainable Infrastructure Precious Soils and Seeds - Industrial agriculture and climate smart farming Women 20 summit: Women’s empowerment should begin with tackling low wages License to pollute - Carbon markets and the new economy of nature Climate Justice - Can the courts solve the climate crisis? Street food in Asia: An industry that is much better than its reputation Climate geoengineering – Experimenting with the global thermostat Safeguarding Communities and The Environment in Chinese Investments Are We Junking The Forest For Poor Nutrition? An inquiry into the palm oil industry and junk food G20 in Hamburg: Setting directions towards a democratic multilateralism Infrastructure investment and Public Private Partnerships Dirty Cement: The Case of Indonesia Semen Kotor: Kasus di Indonesia Power and legitimacy of the G20 in a multilateral governance system Valuation and monetisation of nature – No thanks! “We’ll always have Paris” The Trans-Pacific Partnership Disagreement: Southeast Asia between a rock and a hard place Radical Realism About Climate Change The New Realities of Infrastructure Investment in Southeast Asia: A Chinese Shade of Green? Report: What’s AIIB All About? China, Asia and A Contested Global Order Civil Engagement for Societal Well-Being: Stakeholders in Bangkok's Organic Food Movement Understanding Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN Making Inroads: Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN and Beyond Introduction to Inside the Green Economy Online Launch: Sombath Symposium on "Humanity and Nature: Traditional, Cultural and Alternative Perspectives" The Infrastructure We Don’t Want: OECD Infrastructure Advice to the G20 A Commons Perspective on Human-Nature Relations: Analysis, Vision, and Strategies for Alternative Futures Coal Atlas 2015 Environmental Protection in the Post-2015 ASEAN Economic Community ASEAN Economic Integration and Sustainable Urbanisation Taking the Leap for Changes: A new phase for Burma/Myanmar Studies in ASEAN Divesting ASEAN: Making Fossil Fuels History A Collaboration for a Trans-Boundary Free Flowing River Right Livelihood Conference 2014 The Salween Dams and the problems of resource governance in Myanmar’s’ ethnic border areas After COP 19 in Warsaw Indigenous Knowledge & Natural Commons in Myanmar
Whose Trees? Whose Neutrality? Forest-based Offsets May Endanger Community Rights and Justice in Thailand
At its second meeting, the Board of the Loss and Damage Fund will set the course for what kind of funding mechanism it wants to be
A Decade After Typhoon Haiyan: a Missed Opportunity for Just Transition in Disaster-Stricken Philippines
“The TC Needs a Bit of Luck and a Lot of Political Will to Deliver a Loss and Damage Fund That Can Soar”
Mekong River Hydropower Development, Compensation and the Resettlement Legal Framework in Lao PDR: The Case of Luang Prabang Dam
Saving Lives Through Education for Disaster Preparedness and Awareness: Lessons from Japan, Indonesia, and Thailand
Mekong Community Resilience in the Face of Dam Development, Environmental Degradation and Climate Change
Short and Long-Term Solutions to Bangkok’s Ever-Growing Vulnerability to Floods and Other Climate Risks
Mekong River Flux and Flows: Capturing the Vulnerability of the Mekong Ecosystems in Thai Communities
When All Else Fails, the People Mobilize: The Sea Warriors of Johor, Malaysia, Act to Survive COVID-19 and Climate Change Impacts
Newly launched Plastic Atlas Asia edition provides an Asia-focused overview of the plastic waste crisis
The Virtual “Malaysian Local Conference of Youth 2020 (MY LCOY 2020): Mobilising for a Green Post COVID-19 Recovery” Is Open for Registration!
From Aspiration to Application, There is a Long Way to Go: On Gender and International Financial Institutions’ Safeguards Policies
Indonesia Misses Once-in-A Lifetime Opportunity to Build Back Better by Passing Controversial Deregulation Law
Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Frontline Communities Resisting Internationally Financed Development Projects
Philippines: Banning Single-Use Plastics at the National Level and Strengthening Existing Laws Needed to Curb Plastic Pollution Crisis
Reducing Ecological Damages While Preserving Livelihoods: Helping Oil Palm Farmers to Protect Their Environment
On Land Grabbing and Cross-border Investment: Case of Cambodian Migrant Workers in Thailand from a Gender-lens
New Strategies of Sustainable Food Production in ASEAN – Perspectives from Thailand, Myanmar, and Singapore
Karen communities in Myanmar file complaint with Thai Human Rights Commission: Stop harmful coal mine
Online Launch: Sombath Symposium on "Humanity and Nature: Traditional, Cultural and Alternative Perspectives"
A Commons Perspective on Human-Nature Relations: Analysis, Vision, and Strategies for Alternative Futures