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The cover of a report with various screws and mechanical parts in the background. The title "Global Circular Economy" is at the top, followed by the report's title and author's name.

Global Circular Economy

A circular economy can help mitigate the negative effects of our resource consumption and reduce the massive dependence on raw materials from other countries. The study sets out what needs to be considered in order to achieve a just transition towards a circular economy.

Dear Readers:

Publications from the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia are available in digital form. Download our PDFs and enjoy! If you are based in Thailand and would like to have the hard-copy versions, we can send hard-copies via post. Kindly send a request to <>

Publications Ecology & Social Justice


Addressing Loss and Damage from Climate Change in the Philippines: Lived Experiences of Indigenous Farmers in Atok, Benguet

Policy brief
This policy brief addresses the complex issue of Loss and Damage (L&D), with a specific focus on indigenous farmers in Atok, a municipality in Benguet Province, Philippines. The climate crisis has disrupted traditional farming practices and knowledge systems, leading to significant economic and non-economic losses. The brief emphasizes the need for community-based risk-sharing systems, better government support tailored to highland farmers, and integrating indigenous knowledge into climate adaptation planning.

#exitplastic Now!

The manifesto for social and structural changes to solve the plastics crisis. A civil society call to  #exitplastic. Now!  

The Climate Story: Connecting The Dots

At the ‘Climate Story: Connecting the Dots web discussion, a mix of participants - journalists from Southeast Asia, climate advocates, communications and development professionals - exchanged insights about the overarching climate story that, in truth, supersedes all stories today. How to tell this story better, and the need for a Southeast Asian perspective in reporting the impacts and human toll of the climate crisis were the key threads that ran though this conversation.

Debt Relief by Multilateral Lenders

As the sovereign debt crisis in the Global South continues to unfold, the lack of involvement of multilateral development banks (MDBs) in debt relief efforts has become a contentious issue among major creditors. This report aims to contribute to the ongoing debate over debt relief negotiations and MDBs and makes policy recommendations how to include MDBs better in debt relief.

Transformation by design, not by disaster

Four areas of application show: Our current consumption of raw materials is globally and socially unjust and ecologically unsustainable. We need a raw material transition towards truly circular and sustainable producttion and consumption patterns.

Unpacking the JET-P Pathway

On 6 and 9 February 2023, hbs Southeast Asia Regional Office and the Global Renewables Congress organized an Insight Roundtable on Just Energy Transition – Partnerships (JET-Ps). They brought together NGOs and policymakers to facilitate discussions on the potential, challenges, opportunities, and unanswered questions related to energy transition partnerships, to explore what investments and partnerships on just energy transition could or should mean for the Southeast Asian region.

Advancing Just Energy Transition in the ASEAN

This paper proposes the following recommendations to address the adverse effects of climate change in the ASEAN: decarbonising the ASEAN by accelerating decarbonisation by 2030; promoting market reforms to enable fair and open competition for energy generation; committing to no more new coal and introducing comparable support for renewable energy; and ensuring a human-centered energy transition in the ASEAN toward a community-focused, equal sharing of benefits and risks and the empowerment of community-owned energy systems.

Loss and Damage: Perspectives from Southeast Asia

Policy Brief
According to the Global Climate Risk Index, among the top ten countries at risk to climate-related extreme weather events, three (3) countries are from Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Philippines, and Thailand). As these climate hazards increase in intensity, outweighing the ability of vulnerable groups and communities to adapt, losses and damages will also increase.

Stories of Feminist Mobilisation:

Under the banner “For Feminist Mobilisation”, the Global Feminist Pitch 2022 wanted to give attention to feminist movements that do not get the deserved space in the public discourse. Twelve feminists from Brazil, Syria, Jamaica, Belarus, Venezuela, Kenya, Romania, the Philippines, Nigeria, Nepal, and Hungary had the opportunity write about the feminist mobilisation in their respective regions in a format of their choice. The result is “Stories of Feminist Mobilisation”.

Climate Change under Indonesia’s G20 Presidency 2022: Overview, Challenges and Ways Forward

This paper addresses the extent to which the G20 pays serious attention to the issue of climate change under Indonesia’s presidency. It provides an overview of the priority agenda related to climate change and debatable issues during the negotiation process. This paper then highlights multifaceted challenges to build consensus on climate actions in the G20 and commendable deliverables as outcomes of the G20 in 2022. Recommendations are proposed at the end of the paper.

Green hydrogen – hype or beacon of hope?

In the coming years, the global energy system will have to undergo a profound structural change in order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. (Green) hydrogen will play an important role in this. This publication provides an easy-to-understand introduction to the topic. It informs about trends in the production and use of hydrogen and the potential challenges.

Kendeng Resistance to Limestone Quarrying in Java

Graphic Novel
A 7-page graphic novel on the theme of Anti-cement movement by Jatra Palepati entitled "Kendeng Resistance to Limestone Quarrying in Java" that depicts the long struggle and resistance of local community in Central Java, Indonesia to stand against a cement company on limestone mining.

COVID-19 Stimulus and Improving Energy Transition in Malaysia: Analysis and Recommendation

This research examines Malaysia’s COVID-19 economic recovery plans and the extent to which they support a socially just, clean energy transition in the country. Despite government acknowledgement that a sustainable recovery can help transition to a climate resilient economy, provide jobs, and improve productivity, the study finds that the proportion of financing given to green initiatives in Malaysia’s pandemic stimulus packages is limited.

Think Global Act Local: Exploring the Role of Community Renewable Energy in National Achievement of an Inclusive, Just Energy Transition

In this paper, we argue that renewable energy offers more than simply technological benefits to the energy sector; it also offers an opportunity for distributed energy resources (mini-grids, roof top solar) and community ownership and management of energy resources to advance national power development agendas. We draw on case studies from Cambodia and Vietnam to demonstrate that decentralized renewable energy options can provide rural communities with clean and affordable electricity that also offer a range of social, economic, environmental, technological and political benefits.
KK-KP Cover

Community Mobilization for Energy Security: A Case Study of the Danu Self-Administered Zone in Myanmar

Myanmar’s energy planning is highly centralized. The state-managed energy infrastructure has struggled to meet growing demand for electricity and connect populations living in remote regions to the national electricity grid. The 2021 military coup has further undermined the centralized energy system. This paper highlights ongoing exclusions in energy access and evaluates the limitations of centralized electrification, before turning to examine the viability of decentralized offgrid energy options in Myanmar.


Specifically developed and designed for a young international audience, the digital book "Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me" answers 70 questions about plastic in colorful infographics and six true stories. Book designer and author Gesine Grotrian and a team of experts from the Heinrich Böll Foundation together with an advisory board of young people from all over the world have created an exciting non-fiction book for young people aged 12 and over.

Publications Democracy & Participation


Timor-Leste's Economic Diversification: Challenges and the Way Forward

Timor-Leste is the youngest nation in Southeast Asia and the poorest country in the region. It has overcome tremendous challenges since independence but struggles with serious economic development problems. The focus of this paper series is economic diversification, which is one of the dominant policy issues in Timor-Leste, more than 20 years after independence from Indonesia. Given the multiple and delicate challenges that the country is facing, it is viewed as an alternative path toward sustainable and inclusive economic development, reducing dependence on petroleum and seeking new economic opportunities.

Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia

Current Electoral Processes in Southeast Asia - Regional Learnings follows on from a seminar organised by IRASEC and Heinrich Böll Stiftung-Southeast Asia Regional Office, hosted by the Faculty of Political Science of Chulalongkorn University and with the support of the King Prajadhipok’s Institute, who provided a simultaneous translation in Thai language. 

Reproductive Justice

Self-determined decisions about one's own body and family planning are often influenced by laws and prevailing norms that act like barriers. This publication is an attempt to make hidden injustice visible and to fought against it. So that reproductive justice can become a reality for all.

In Quest for Change in Timor’s Politics [pdf]

Current politics in Timor centers on personalities, history, and using ‘oil money’ as the solution to problems – it cannot cope with the rapidly changing the world and its domestic development challenges. Changing its way of doing politics and the way society is being governed is imperative to address structural issues in Timor’s development and maintain the relevancy and legitimacy of democratic institutions.

A New Nightmare/Panibagong Bangungot

A 4-page comic on the theme of Philippine Election 2022 by @chonggo entitled "A New Nightmare/Panibagong Bangungot" that carries the message "Vote wisely" in English and Filipino.

Feminist Interventions and Emerging Issues in Southeast Asia in the Time of COVID-19

This is a Scoping Paper that has mapped out how COVID-19 impacted the activities and interventions of feminist movements in Southeast Asia (SEA). It aims to serve as a starting point for two audiences: those interested in gaining a broad overview of what is happening within this region and those looking to inform future strategies or discussions within the feminist movement.

Gender and Digitisation in Asia: Future Policy Pathways

To ensure that the fourth industrial revolution realises its transformative potential instead of exacerbating and creating new gender inequalities, it is important to understand the many intersections of digitisation and gender from a policy perspective. This paper examines the gendered dimensions of ICT in Asian countries, particularly South Asia and Southeast Asia/ASEAN.
reporting asean

Reportage Around ASEAN-related Issues: A Tip Sheet

ASEAN. Journalists and editors might love it, hate it – or flee from being asked to work on stories related to it. But regionalism in the ASEAN region is a running story of public interest that is here to stay, so we might as well know the beast better, so to speak. This tip sheet is an invitation to do just that, and take a deep dive into issues around ASEAN.

Recommendations on the Protection of Those who Exercise Their Rights and Freedoms from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participations

Public participation is held to be a political principle and practice that forms an important basis of democratic society. The constitutions of Thailand, especially the 1997 Constitution, have guaranteed various rights and freedoms to create an opportunity for the public participation of the people, such as the freedom to express opinions, freedom of assembly, freedom of association, the right to petition, community rights and the right to participate in the management of resources.

Afraid of the Light: Unmasking the Discourse on Irregular Migration and Its Implications for Migration Governance in ASEAN

This paper attempts to investigate the issue of irregular migration in the ASEAN region. The space and attention given to a burgeoning reality of irregular migration is yet to be given its due space at national policy-level and regional discussions. The primary objective of the paper is to function as a baseline study for future advocacy on protection of the rights of undocumented migrants in the region. Primarily, it focuses on the governance of migration, or the lack thereof, by contextualising the current status of irregular migrants in major destination countries of the ASEAN region, being Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Women, Power, and Change in Southeast Asia

A vital part of this report of the current context in Southeast Asia involves showing the ways that ordinary people, activists, human rights defenders, and social movements are organizing to protect their communities from destruction and injustice, even in extremely precarious and dangerous situations. Some of the most vocal and active participants in progressive movements for change and transformation are women from the most affected communities in the region.

For Democracy

The present publication “For Democracy” outlines and analyzes the state of democracy worldwide as well as the possibilities of democracy assistance. At the same time, the publication provides concrete insights into the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s political work for democracy. In addition, four essays approach the subject democracy assistance in a basic and passionate manner.

Computercrime? Impact of the Computer-related Crime Act 2007 and State Policies on the Right to Freedom of Expression

The new publication by Sawatree Suksri, Siriphon Kusonsinwut and Orapin Yingyongpathana from iLaw aims to explore implications of the enforcement of the Computer Crime Act (CCA) since it came into force in July 2007 until December 2011 vis-a-vis sate policies as well as public reaction towards he law and its enforcement in comparison to the situation abroad. It includes key findings and recommendations.

Situational Report on Control and Censorship of Online Media, through the Use of Laws and the Imposition of Thai State Policies

"Considering the sketchy data on the 74,686 URLs blocked by the MICT,and the CRES casting a net to block ranges of IP addresses, no one can deny that the Thai people's right to freedom of expression and opinion in the online world is in crisis". The Situational Report on Control and Censorship of online Media, through the Use of Laws and the Imposition of the Thai State Policies is part of a research project on the effects of the Computer Crime Act 2007 and state policies on the right to freedom of expression by iLaw Project and the research team supported by Heinrich Boell Stiftung Southeast Asia.

“New Media: Born to Be Democracy”

The meaning of the term ‘new media’ is still elusive. However, it can be said that new media is associated with information technology or the internet, and is an interactive form of communication. This book tries to explore the role of new media in social movements in Thailand, and how it will develop, through interviews with academics, journalists and activists. It is found that, among other things, new media has taken an increasingly important role in communication, challenging the conventional means of news consumption.

The Future We Want- A Feminist Perspective

The Future We Want – the motto chosen by the UN in the run-up to the June 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) – is certainly forward-looking. Rio+20 is supposed to define routes towards a safer, fairer, greener, and cleaner world. But the blueprints for a green economy are devoid of gender perspectives. Christa Wichterich’s essay takes a closer look on the relations between feminism and ecology.

Publication series

Perspectives Asia


Perspectives Asia #11: Transitions

Change is all around us; experiencing it can be exciting or worrisome, confusing or even disturbing. By contrast, the idea of “transition” stands to provide a sense of direction, in a sea of change and insecurity. Change may be happening to us; a transition has direction, it can be planned, perhaps even be initiated. It moves into a positive, sustainable direction – or so we hope.

Perspectives Asia #10: Fabric of Society

In Autumn 2021, the COVID-19 global pandemic lingers on even though vaccinations are getting pace. The 10th issue of Heinrich Böll Stiftung (hbs)'s serial publication Perspectives Asia takes a look at how the pandemic is reshaping state/society relationships in different Asian countries.

Perspectives Asia #8: Asia for Future

This edition of Perspectives Asia presents the work of climate change activists in Asia who are calling their governments and people to action. They are raising their voices, some of them despite severe restrictions on the right of free assembly and freedom of speech. These activists show immense courage and they deserve international recognition for their work.

Perspectives Asia #7: Nationalisms and Populisms in Asia

Nationalistic sentiments spurred by populist rhetoric have been on the rise globally. Asia is no exception to this trend. Some Asian leaders communicate visions that can instill a feeling of pride, creating a rarely felt sense of belonging among people. Yet the current streak of Asian nationalism can also become a setback for democracy and human rights.  

Perspectives Asia #6: DigitalAsia

Over the last years, Asia has undergone an impressive digital transformation. Large parts of the continent have turned from the world’s factory into a creative industry.The different contributions across the continent highlight both the opportunities and risks of digitalization in Asia.

Perspectives Asia #5: Politics of Food

In this edition of Perspectives Asia, the authors highlight certain aspects of politics of food and seeks to illustrate some conflicting issues in the field of food and nutrition in Asia.

Perspectives Asia #1: Copper, Coal and Conflict

In this issue, our authors report on conflicts stemming from coal and copper mining in Afghanistan, India, and Myanmar. The articles on Cambodia and on Inner Mongolia in China illustrate how the traditional economic models and ways of life of indigenous populations suffer from the unrestrained exploitation of raw materials.

Annual Reports

Cover Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report
As a political foundation, we are independent of the party and parliamentary group, but at the same time we are an integral part of the green movement. The headwind that blows in our face is getting tougher every day. 

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report
Fostering democracy and human rights, taking action to prevent the destruction of the global ecosystem, advocating socio-environmental change, promoting equality between women and men, and defending the freedom of individuals against excessive state and economic power - these are some of the main goals that inspire the ideas and actions of our Foundation. In our Annual Report 2022, we report on our work at home and abroad.

Annual Report 2021

Annual Report
As we write this in March of 2022, our review of the year 2021 is overshadowed by Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. Because of this, not only foreign policy, but also domestic politics have now entered a new era. We are facing enormous challenges that also have a strong impact on our work here at the Foundation.
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Annual Report 2020

The year 2020 marks the beginning of an unprecedented pandemic that continues to hold us all in its grip. In many countries, the health crisis is intertwined with political, economic, environmental, and social crises. Inequality, poverty, and hunger are rising sharply. Climate change is leaving its mark all over the world. Fortunately, it has become a priority issue in Germany, Europe, and on the global agenda too.
Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2019

Sometimes in life, there are events so momentous that they make our joy about accomplished work and productive collaboration fade into the background. The Covid crisis is such a moment, an event beyond compare. Hardly ever before have we been forced to weigh scientific insights against political, social, and economic repercussions in the face of such great uncertainty. As we are living through these world-altering times, we are trying to make sense of them, at home, as well as at our 33 international offices.

Annual Report 2018

The year 2018 was marked by new political developments that presented a formidable challenge to the liberal, multilateral order: the isolationism of the United States under Donald Trump, a shift to the right in Latin America that intensified with the election of Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil, the continued rise of China, and the suppression of the liberal-democratic spirit in numerous European countries by right-wing populist forces. All of this underscores the fact that the international order is changing, and the resulting shifts in power are shaking old certainties.

Annual Report 2017

In 2017, we had a special reason to celebrate: Our partner ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The accolade recognized the organization as the driving force behind a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons that was adopted by the majority of UN member states on July 7. While the nuclear powers were not among the signatories, it was a great achievement that brought movement into the disarmament debate.

Annual Report 2016

The annual report 2016 gives an overview about the activities of the Heinrich Böll Foundation inland and overseas. It deals with European policy, democracy, human rights, international power relations, the social and environmental transformation, art and culture to mention but a few.

Annual Report 2015

The annual report 2015 of the Heinrich Böll Foundation offers an overview about the work in that year of the 31 international offices worldwide and 16 state-level Böll Foundations in Germany.

Annual Report 2014

The annual report 2014 of the Heinrich Böll Foundation summarizes the Foundation's global work on the topics of policy, ecology and justice, democracy and human rights, foreign and security policy, education, social participation and opportunities for advancement.