Web-Dossier: COVID-19 and Southeast Asia

This web-dossier brings together articles and opinion pieces from our project partners, journalists, academics, and activists from Southeast Asia. The articles refer to specific impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the socio-economic situation of affected communities, including informal laborers and migrant workers.
Furthermore, the contributions shed a light on gender-related issues, ecological trends, and civic freedoms under the conditions of COVID-19 in our region.
The following articles are published together with our partner, Reporting ASEAN.
Reporting ASEAN is a homegrown, independent venue for the discussion of news and issues around regionalism, highlighting voices and views from within Southeast Asia. Its focus includes coverage of the idea of an ASEAN, which goes far beyond the regional association ASEAN, as well as the training of journalists from the region. It follows conversations around the news media and journalism in Southeast Asia, from disinformation and misinformation to interesting ways of storytelling.
The following articles are published together with our partner, the NGO Forum on ADB whose membership network encompasses Asia and the Pacific. Therefore, the articles included in this section cover stories and aspects from South Asia and other parts of the world.
The NGO Forum on ADB is a network of civil society organizations (CSOs) that has been monitoring the projects, programs, and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) with membership that spans Asia and the Pacific regions.
"The biggest arena of struggle now -- the archipelago of informal sector communities all over Asia."Dr. Rene E. Ofreneo