
In February 2024, the civil society alliance Exit Plastik organised a round table for NGOs and a public conference on solutions to the plastics crisis with experts from science, business, politics and civil society. The key points of this manifesto were developed jointly during these events and subsequently elaborated further by Exit Plastik to propose solutions to the plastic crisis. The present manifesto presents the key elements for a change of course in order to #exitplastic. Now!
Our vision is of a world free of harms resulting from plastic. Together with the signatories of this manifesto, we as the civil society alliance Exit Plastik are advocating for social and structural changes to solve the plastics crisis. #exitplastic. Now!



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Product details
Date of Publication
May 2024
EXIT PLASTIK Civil Society Alliance for Ways out of the Plastic Crisis
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

►Protecting the environment and health

► Act in a solution-oriented manner and communicate honestly

► Making prevention and a genuine circular economy a priority

► Unpackaged and reusable - always and everywhere

► Implement the global plastics agreement globally