
The Wong Sikep or Sedulur Sikep Movement of Central Java’s Longue Durée in Its Paradoxical Nature: A Portent Form of Non-Violent Human Rights Struggles through Different Names [pdf]

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The Samin or Wong Sikep or Sedulur Sikep Movement that has been struggling against cement companies' expansion in Central Java since 2006 is a part of a larger (and longest) peasant-based millenarian movement in Southeast Asia (and Java). This research launches an inquiry into how such a movement survives the test of time.

The researchers apply concepts known around the singularity of the millenarian movement, such as "radical divergence" from everyday practices, "fusion of opposed qualities" like spirituality and materialism," "innovative features," and continuation of indigenous ritual practices. 

In this paper, the authors argue that this "paradoxical" nature of the movement is the reason of its longue durée. These peasants’ protest is basically a demand for “spiritual entitlements” with the scopes reaching beyond human rights or any other standards known in the peasant movement’s legal history. The findings are that the Samin movement is fulfilling all the criteria of a true millenarian movement, which has gone beyond the point of no return of a simple "resistance".


Suggested Citation: Sumarlan, Yanuar and James Rumpia (2021), “The Wong Sikep or Sedulur Sikep Movement of Central Java’s Longue Durée in Its Paradoxical Nature: A Portent Form of Non-Violent Human Rights Struggles through Different Names”, Bangkok: Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia Regional Office.

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Product details
Date of Publication
2 August 2021
Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

Abstract                                                                                                                      1

A. Introduction and Rationale                                                                                   1

B. Inner-Oriented Characteristics of Sedulur Sikep                                                4

1. Principles and life ethics of Sedulur Sikep                                                      8

2. Life as a Farmer: The Value of Respect for Nature

and Mutual Cooperation of Sedulur Sikep                                                          16

3. Sustainable Education and Adaptation with Science and Technology          23

C. Outer-Oriented Characteristics of Sedulur Sikep                                                25

1. Kendeng's narrative, deliberation, and organization

against the threat of the cement industry                                                             28

2. Sedulur Sikep and socio-economic resilience                                                 33

3. Science, Communication and Sikep’s Networks                                             38

D. Conclusion                                                                                                             42

E. Bibliography                                                                                                          45

F. Authors’ Profile                                                                                                     56