From Kendeng with Love: Seven Messages from Pati Messages Seven JM-PPK (Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng / Community Network Concerned for the Kendeng Mountains) members from Pati Regency, Central Java share their messages, hoping that these messages could spread awareness and solidarity against cement mining and cement factory in North Kendeng Mountains, Indonesia. By Mokh Sobirin
Fighting for the Next Generations Article For years, a citizens' initiative in the Indonesian Kendeng Karst-Mountain has been fighting against the destruction of their livelihoods by cement factories, among others, a subsidiary of the German HeidelbergCement. The transnational solidarity network Save Kendeng supports the farmers from the Kendeng Mountains.
Kendeng Movement: Speak Up for Mother Earth! Article Solidarity works involving communities from two different countries, Indonesia and Germany is a result of a collaborative work facilitated by usage of media technology. Social movements are no longer only read as a local entity with specific actors and issues but can be read within the framework of engagement with other actors and issues, both at local and international levels. By Mokh Sobirin
Dirty Cement: The Case of Indonesia Since 2001, the worldwide production of cement has increased threefold. Indonesia is an important producer, and the Indonesian market is dominated by three producers: the state-owned Semen Indonesia with more than 45 percent market share (as of 2013), followed by Indocement, of which the German HeidelbergCement holds a 51 percent majority stake (31 percent market share) and Holcim Indonesia (14 percent market share). By Anett Keller and Marianne Klute
Semen Kotor: Kasus di Indonesia Saat ini, produksi semen seluruh dunia meningkat tiga kali lipat dibanding tahun 2001. Indonesia adalah negara penghasil semen yang penting dan pasar Indonesia didominasi oleh 3 produsen: PT Semen Indonesia (BUMN) dengan lebih dari 45 persen dari total produksi (2013), diikuti Indocement (31 persen) dimana perusahaan Jerman HeidelbergCement adalah pemilik mayoritas dengan saham 51 persen dan Holcim Indonesia (14 persen). By Anett Keller and Marianne Klute