
Southeast Asia’s Road to Recovery: Towards a Just Regional Energy Transition

Southeast Asia must change its energy development pathway for justice, the planet, and its people. A transition from harmful fossil fuels towards a transformed energy system that is renewable, democratic, and serves people is possible for the region. This report provides a regional analysis of an energy transition that builds on a 100% renewable energy goal for Southeast Asia by 2050 using the region’s renewable energy from wind, water, geothermal, and solar sources.

This report suggests that this vision of energy future for the region requires changes in technologies, institutions, and policies to usher in a just energy transition. This report offers a valuable opportunity to the public and civil society organizations to encourage and push their governments to change the trajectory by which energy is generated, distributed, and accessed. It suggests opening energy systems to more democratic processes that enable people and communities to access sufficient, affordable, reliable, and renewable energy of their choice.

To succeed, this report puts forward the need for deep, systemic, structural, and holistic transformations aimed at decentralizing the sector and opening energy markets to public participation. Southeast Asian governments must recognize that publicly owned and controlled renewable energy is a right, and therefore should be prioritized in COVID-19 post-pandemic stimulus packages. Governments must work to remove the hurdles that may limit progress towards a just energy transition. Political commitment through ambitious renewable energy targets, public funding, regional cooperation, and energy market redesign is essential. A just transition to a 100% renewable energy future for Southeast Asia can unlock new jobs, close energy poverty, empower people, reduce inequality, and increase opportunities for participation.

Product details
Date of Publication
8 December 2021
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Southeast Asia
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication
Table of contents

Abstract - p. 3

Introduction - p. 4

Potential and Prospects for Energy Transition - p. 5

A Transition to 100% Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia - p. 8

Energy Transition and the Pandemic - p. 11

Drivers of the Southeast Asian Energy Transition - P. 12

Southeast Asia's Energy Transition Challenges - p. 15

Accelerating Just Regional Energy Transition - p. 18

Conclusion - p. 30