COVID-19: Tips for a Saner Digital Diet in These Viral Times Article A virus riding on another virus. That is how the ‘infodemic’ is raging in online spaces around the outbreak of the novel coronavirus called COVID-19, which has been on just about everyone’s radar since late January 2020. As grave as the quest to manage the respiratory disease and cure those ill with it is not only the challenge of using facts versus fear - but how to create and keep avenues of information that withstand the unrelenting drip of skewed, confused, partially true to totally false information, to racist and prejudiced views, or a cocktail of these. By Johanna Son
China, As Told by China: Beijing’s Influences Reach Thai Media and Beyond Article China is waging an unprecedented information campaign in Thailand through traditional and new media platforms, thanks to a sluice of partnerships with Thai media throughout 2019. Similar pattern is seen in the Southeast Asian region, where China is fast expanding its political, economic, and strategic stakes. By Teeranai Charuvastra
Southeast Asia: Time for a Pushback in Media Spaces Digital, online and social-media avenues undoubtedly offer an alternative or complementary channel for news, because of the inherent difficulty in censoring these spaces. Their wide reach and levels of engagement have saved lives during disasters or emergencies. By Johanna Son
Southeast Asia: Open Season for Professional Media? Journalists sued for espionage in Cambodia, and for using drones or supposedly violating the official secrets act in Myanmar. News outlets faced with financial penalties steep enough to cause them to go under, as it did in Cambodia. Media organizations in the Philippines repeatedly described as ‘fake news’ outlets by government officials chafing at critical reporting. By Johanna Son
Three years of the Computer Crime-related Act Heinrich Böll Stiftung supported a seminar organized by Thai Netizen Network which revised the implications of the controversial law since the enactment in 2007.
Political Expression: New Media and Political Mobilization If citizens are able to freely express their view, there will be an abundance of information. Thus, the public can participate in a country’s development.
Community Radio Fund: the Proposal to the Broadcasting and Telecommunication Research and Development Fund of Thailand (2012) The committee of broadcasting and telecommunication research and development fund, under National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC), does not clearly set up the pattern and method for supporting community broadcasting.This article collects the opinion of community radio operators, who are member of the National Federation of Community Radio of Thailand (NFCR), about supporting role of the fund.
Three years of the Computer Crime-related Act Heinrich Böll Stiftung supported a seminar, which drew wide media coverage, to revise the implications of the controversial law since the enactment in 2007.