Why We Should Protect Karst Landscapes Article With more than eight million sq. km of karst, Asia has the largest share worldwide. But karst areas like the Kendeng mountains in Indonesia are under threat to be destroyed by the cement industry. This article highlights the long-term value of intact karst systems. By Anett Keller
Alasan Mengapa Kita Harus Melindungi Bentang Alam Karst Artikel Bentang alam karst (batu gamping) berperan penting bagi iklim karena kemampuannya mengikat karbon dioksida. Melalui sistem bawah airnya yang kompleks, karst menyediakan air minum untuk masyarakat di berbagai belahan dunia. Dengan luas total melebihi delapan juta kilometer persegi, Asia memiliki porsi terbesar karst di dunia. Namun demikian, kawasan karst seperti Pegunungan Kendeng di Indonesia berhadapan dengan ancaman kerusakan akibat industri semen. Artikel ini menyoroti nilai penting yang dimiliki karst yang utuh dalam jangka panjang. By Anett Keller
Dirty Cement: The Case of Indonesia Since 2001, the worldwide production of cement has increased threefold. Indonesia is an important producer, and the Indonesian market is dominated by three producers: the state-owned Semen Indonesia with more than 45 percent market share (as of 2013), followed by Indocement, of which the German HeidelbergCement holds a 51 percent majority stake (31 percent market share) and Holcim Indonesia (14 percent market share). By Anett Keller and Marianne Klute