From Aspiration to Application, There is a Long Way to Go: On Gender and International Financial Institutions’ Safeguards Policies Analysis As institutions claimed themselves as concerning with gender equality, we would assume that gender and women’s issues are in the center of its development efforts as shown on the website of ADB, World Bank and AIIB: many women’s and children faces. By Titi Soentoro
Exposing the “Clean Energy” Myths of ADB and AIIB Article The multilateral development banks, the private sector, fossil fuel industry and governments are intensifying their own version of narratives with respect to achieve the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. Nevertheless for CSOs, peoples’ movements and communities at the forefront of this battle, it is about stopping coal – fired power plants and other fossil fuel including natural gas as well as fight for the space for acceptable renewable investments to thrive in. By Annabel Perreras
Statement of CSOs in Vietnam on the AIIB Energy Strategy We, civil society organizations working to achieve sustainable development in Vietnam, express our collective concern with the Energy Strategy articulated in the Discussion Draft released by the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
The New Realities of Infrastructure Investment in Southeast Asia: A Chinese Shade of Green? A decade after former US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick urged China to become a “responsible stakeholder” (Zoellick 2005) in the international system, China started its so far biggest multilateral initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Early this year the bank opened for business and started to approve its first projects in Central, South and Southeast Asia By Jari John
Report: What’s AIIB All About? China, Asia and A Contested Global Order On 31 October 2016, the Institute of Security and International Studies (ISIS Thailand) organized the Public Forum titled “What’s AIIB All About? China, Asia and A Contested Global Order” in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia (hbs) and Chulalongkorn University. The event hosted speakers from a variety of backgrounds to comment on the report “Making Inroads: Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN and Beyond” by IDI. By Jari John
Understanding Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN The Executive Summary from Inclusive Development International (IDI)'s report "Making Inroads: Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN and Beyond," By Inclusive Development International
Making Inroads: Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN and Beyond Inclusive Development International (IDI) released Making Inroads: Chinese Infrastructure Investment in ASEAN and Beyond, its new report that seeks to shed light on the rapidly changing landscape of infrastructure finance in the region which has been driven by China. By Inclusive Development International