Right to Clean Air: The People v. Haze across Southeast Asia Article Transboundary haze has plagued Southeast Asia for decades, with the most recent episodes occurring in 2015 and 2019. While COVID-19's constraints on economic activity delivered the qualified blessing of two comparatively haze-free years, the region is now bracing itself for the return of the almost annual haze as countries shift to endemic mode. By Helena Varkkey
Tackling Deforestation in the Palm Oil Industry: Quo Vadis Private and Public Sectors Commitments? Article The concerns around deforestation, fires, animal extinction, social conflicts and other problems with the palm oil industry, especially in Indonesia, has increased significantly in the past two decades. There have been commitments made by governments and the companies to tackle deforestation in Indonesia since then. What are the main commitments from government and companies, what are the progress and the major challenges to deliver them, and what are the recommendations, will be the main focus of this article. By Annisa Rahmawati
Reducing Ecological Damages While Preserving Livelihoods: Helping Oil Palm Farmers to Protect Their Environment Article Two narratives dominate the debate on the expansion of the oil palm cultivation. The first narrative focuses on the destruction of forest or agroforestry systems and their transformation into oil palm monoculture plantations. The second narrative shows how oil palm cultivation improves the livelihoods of rural households by increasing their income and nutrition. Both narratives are supported by scientific evidence, and they need to be thought together when aiming to improve the ecological and economical sustainability in the production areas. By Miriam Romero