Our friends the taz-Panter-foundation and the Federal Foreign Office invite a group of 10 journalists from Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia to participate in a one-week-workshop in Berlin from September 3rd to September 11th 2016.
Under the theme of „Journalism between New Democracy and Authoritarian Rule“, the Workshop will especially focus on:
- Problems and methods of reporting under difficult political circumstances
- Models of organizing and financing a cooperative newspaper
- Models of crowd-funding and the organization of independent teams of journalists
- Sharing experiences with journalists working under difficult political circumstances in Asia
The participants will not only speak with journalists of „die tageszeitung“ (taz), a daily newspaper owned by a cooperative of 15.700 readers and supporters, which guarantees its independence from political and commercial interests. They will also meet other journalists and politicians of German parties and various public figures in Berlin. Participants will see the Bundestag (Federal Parliament) and will visit the Federal Foreign Office. Other topics will be online-journalism, problems of ethnic and religious minorities, reporting corruption and dealing with an authoritarian past. The taz-Panter-foundation expects participants to take part in a public discussion in Berlin about the political situation and the media development in their country and to write one or two short articles about the development in Myanmar, Cambodia and Thailand respectively, which will be published in a supplement of „die tageszeitung“ (taz) after the workshop.
The taz-Panter-foundation is an organization closely linked to „die tageszeitung“ (taz), an independent daily newspaper published in Germany. It was founded in 1979 as an alternative to established conservative newspapers. The foundation focuses on the training of journalists. It views an independent media as a foundation of a democratic society. For some years we have organized – among others –
workshops for journalist from Eastern Europe and Myanmar in Berlin.
Anyone interested in participating in the workshop should send an application-email until June 12th 2016 to
andreaslorenz@gmx.info and hansen@taz.de
The application should be written in English. It should include a CV and the reason why you want to participate. Please also send at least one example of the work you have published.
Applications are open for print-, online-, radio- and tv-journalists. Expenses including flight and hotel are paid by the organizers of the workshop. The taz-Panter-foundation expects applicants to have:
- Valid travel-documents to apply for a German visa
- A very good command of spoken and written English
- At least one year's working experience as a journalist.
The organizers prefer journalists who are actively involved in social and/or political work, and additionally interested or are already involved in founding media-outlets. Potential candidates will be invited to a personal discussion via Skype. The exact date will still be decided.
Organizers and financiers:
taz.panterstiftung, Rudi-Dutschke-Str. 23, 10969 Berlin, Germany, stiftung@taz.de
Federal Foreign Office, Werderscher Markt 1, 11013 Berlin, Germany