An Energy Agenda for the G20 as if the Future Mattered

The G20 has fallen behind other international organizations in addressing the challenges of climate change and supporting sustainable energy transformation and electrification. This article lays the foundation for a reflection and discussion on what the G20 can usefully do to support these transformations, and how it must change to achieve this. Policy recommendations include shifting funds and privileges away from fossil fuels and nuclear power to the development and acceleration of the safer, cleaner and fundamentally cheaper energy alternatives. While pursuing this policy agenda, the G20 should avoid commitments to infrastructure projects that create path-dependencies on fossil fuels and grant new land-use rights for this industry. Beyond taking these actions in 2016, the G20 Principles on Energy Collaboration must change to be in line with realities of the current energy landscape and agreed international policy objectives like the Global Goals or the outcomes of the UN Climate Summit in Paris at the end of 2015.

Product details
Date of Publication
11 March 2016
Heinrich Böll Foundation North America
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication