Joel Mark Baysa Barredo (he/him/his; they/them/theirs) considers himself a Southeast Asian queer-feminist academic activist. He pursued an International Master’s Degree in Human Rights at the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University (Thailand). He is currently the Executive Director of the Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research/Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia Programme (SHAPE-SEA).
Joel is an Obama Leader for Asia-Pacific 2022. He is also member Regional Advisory Committee for ASEAN SOGIE Caucus' project on "Enriching LGBTQIA+ Expertise in ASEAN and Human Rights Engagement". He actively takes part in several international and regional advocacy and academic exercises with the aim of helping realize sexuality-embracing, youth-driven, rights-centered societies. In his spare time, he indulges in solo traveling in pursuit of witnessing and understanding the complex lived realities of humans in the global south.
joel.shapesea <at> gmail.com