[gallery][gallery]What do we need to be happy? Do consumerism and luxury really make our life precious or do the small and simple things, like having a good meal with family and friends, make life valuable? These questions are addressed in Nino Sarabutra’s new exhibition “To Live or to Live a Good Life”. The exhibition has been opened from 29 September until October 28, 2011 at the Creative House Gallery Bangkok (inspired by Toyota).
The artists concept reflects on the possibilities and ways to live a “good life” and ultimately suggests that the key to a sustainable and ecologically responsible way of life lies in simplicity.
Visitors had the possibility to reflect on their own happiness and consumption habits before and during the exhibition opening by filling out an online survey. The survey results and the pictures of the participants were then projected on the walls as part of the installation. Likewise, 365 porcelain bowls suspended in the air remind us of the meals that we take every day of the year with friends and family and that strongly influence our happiness and wellbeing.
This exhibition is part of SurVivArt, a project by The Heinrich Böll Stiftung which through artistic and cultural actions proposes a reflection on how sustainable practices can be incorporated in everyday life.